2022 FOALS
Fanta C's Heza Casanova Cowboy
3/07/2022, AMHA/AMHR Buckskin Appaloosa colt, with two bright blue eyes
Allure Ranch Spirits Radical Review (HOF) X Lindells
Ice Cream Smoothies Latte
03/29/2022 AMHR/ASPC
She's here!!! 4:30am on day 341. Loud, Loud Black and white beautiful filly.
Legs for days (she still
has away's to come up on her back legs).
She has a pretty and small dished head with with large eyes and tipped ears, She is marked
exactly the same on both sides.
Did I say Loud!!!! This is my AMHR Sweepstakes and Futurities foal.
Fanta C's By George Shez Got Jazz